Putting People First in Treatment

Cookie cutter treatment is continuously chipping away at the validity of drug and alcohol treatment. There has been a major negative shift in perception and in the trust clients have in treatment centers. Treating each client truly as an individual and allowing your treatment center to have a personality can not only help save treatment, but may be the only way to gain the trust of clients.

If you visit any large treatment centers website you will see stock photos isolating a stereotype of drug and alcohol treatment. What's more is that a simple google search for our clients is probably one of the most discouraging doors to treatment they can find. By being genuine in your online presence and front desk operations you can improve your admissions and outcomes in a tremendous way. Some advice:

1.) Use photos of REAL STAFF members actually working.

2.) Take pictures of YOUR FACILITY.

3.) Write about WHY you are doing what you do, not just the scientific approaches you use.

4.) When you do write about your evidence-based practice, give examples of its practicality and application, otherwise it just looks like a buzz word and click bait.

5.) Make it a point for management of the treatment center to interact with each client you have.

The over commercialization of the treatment industry has taken the trust clients once had in treatment and replaced it with an image of money hungry wolves preying on those in need. This is where the boutique treatment center is going to thrive. This isn’t just a business strategy, but this is a shift in focus for treatment centers. Smaller boutique like treatment facilities provide 1:1 interaction at a much higher rate and blow the minimum standards of care out of the water. With this, you will almost definitely see a positive increase in outcomes for clients.

If you are interested in starting a treatment center or re-vamping your treatment centers current focus, please do not hesitate to reach out to Watson Wellness for a free consultation or advice.